The Holy Chalice Worship
The Canon Chapter celebrates the Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds and Intermediate hour) and the Holy Mass in Gregorian chant.
Both the Royal Brotherhood and the Fraternity of the Holy Chalice support the worship to Jesus Christ, eternal Priest through the veneration to the sacred cup in which He handed over His redeeming blood sacramentally at the Last Supper.
On Thursday afternoons at 7:30 pm, the Holy Sacrament is exposed and the rosary is prayed. At 7:45 pm, the acclamations to the Holy Chalice are chanted and the blessing is given. Later the Holy Mass is celebrated with chants accompanied by the organ.
Parishes and religious and civic associations participate in the Mass of each “Holy Chalice Thursday”.
On Holy Thursday, the Holy Chalice is taken to the high altar of the Cathedral after the entrance procession of the Lord's Supper Mass, just as in the “Annual Feast of the Holy Chalice” celebrated on the last Thursday of October.
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